EUIPO launches course on IP Essentials
In the context of the European Year of Skills, the European Union Intellectual Property (EUIPO) is launching the first module of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on intellectual property (IP) essentials with a view to upgrade the IP skills of all learners, from secondary school pupils and higher education students to any interested person with no previous knowledge of IP. This first module is dedicated to IP basics, and further modules with more in-depth knowledge will become available in the coming months. The learner will get a certificate upon completing each module.
The MOOC’s launch will coincide with the IP in Education network meeting, taking place in Warsaw, Poland, on 25 and 26 May 2023. It will be co-organised by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science and the Polish Patent Office. For the first time this year, the meeting will bring together representatives from EU Member States’ ministries of education, IP offices and other relevant bodies in the field of education. The main meeting will be held in hybrid format.
The network meeting will address national curricula and skills development with regards to IP knowledge, notably in an increasingly digital context. The agenda also features presentations on the hosting organisations’ latest activities, updates from the European Commission on the newly published digital skills package and the European Year of Skills, and details from the Joint Research Centre on the Education for Climate Coalition. In addition, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology will invite network members to contribute to its Deep Tech Talent initiative with the ambition to train 1 million people in deep tech by 2025. The Community Plant Variety Office will also announce its plans to produce learning materials on plant variety rights in collaboration with the EUIPO.
Upskilling educators is key for achieving the European Education Area and remains high on the political agenda, as discussed at the Education Council in March 2023. IP in Education continues to develop teachers’ IP skills through its dedicated teacher training sessions. These include one that took place in the context of the network meeting in Warsaw on 24 May 2023, as well as others in the first half of 2023 in Spain, Malta and Finland.
In support of pupils and teachers fleeing Ukraine during Russia’s invasion, IP in Education has translated some of its flagship teaching materials into Ukrainian. The new translations, as well as other teaching materials, can be found on the IdeasPowered@School website. Follow Ideas Powered on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up to date with developments.